BlackJack Rules and Tips

The main aim of this popular game is beating the dealer and getting less than 21 points and not more than that. There is a unique style in which the score is calculated, but the pattern of scoring is easy and simple. This rule is common in real life and online casinos.

Scoring rules in Blackjack:

1 or 11 is the value that an Ace can have and it depends a lot on the game situation. Hand with an Ace can be hard as well as soft. In soft hand, the players can safely draw another card and there are no problems of being busted. Every card from 2 to 9 bears a respective face value. 10 is the value of 10 and all court cards; Jack, Queen and King. The rules of online Blackjack are not difficult to understand. Ace is 1 or 11, all court cards are 10 and the rest are their face value. In order to calculate the score, the total of all the cards available in the hands of a player is taken.

Terms of Blackjack:

The terminology of Blackjack is special. Hand in Blackjack is just a one player hand. There are multihand and multiplayer variations available as well which means, just like the classic blackjack rules, one player has a group of cards. These variations are played in online casino as well. Bust is a situation under which a card is drawn by a hand and 21 points are received. This can be a losing situation. In Natural hand or Blackjack hand, first two cards of a player score 21 points. This situation can be made possible only with a ten valued and ace card. Blackjack hand or natural hand is the remnant of the original rule of Blackjack. A push or tie is a game resolution where natural hand as well as equal score either win or bust. In case of a tie, the bet is returned to the player.

Play Blackjack online:

Two cards are dealt by the dealer to himself and every other hand. The game begins once the dealer has dealt the cards. Every hand makes decisions in turns. A player gets the first turn in classic blackjack.

Winning in Blackjack:

There are no complicated blackjack betting logics and due to this the payoff table is very simple. You will be paid 1 to 1 in case your hand is the winner. In case of insurance being invoked (a situation where your bet is insured and the dealer has natural hand) you will be 2 to 1. When a player has a natural hand he or she will be paid 3 to 1. This does not apply in cases when the dealer has a natural hand too. In such cases it will be a tie and the bet will be returned.

Common Mistakes Made in Online Poker

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There are some common online poker mistakes that novices as well as experienced poker players make. If you want to be successful in this game, you have to practice certain strategies so that more pits can be won. You should learn to avoid these common mistakes and get an advantage over your opponents.

Distraction: Winning a poker game is all about skills, but you also need to have some attention span. You need to concentrate on the details of this game. In case of distraction, players don’t use their skills and leave everything to luck. If you are a novice, then you should learn handling more than 3-4 games at a time. Playing at home can ruin your attention to a great extent due to the phone, radio or TV; so make sure that you avoid all these distracting elements as far as possible.

Use of auto-play functions: The main function of the auto-play button is to speed up the game. When you use this button you must know that it is being used at the cost of your poker chips. In online poker, players are very far from each other and the only tells in this game is the duration taken by a player to act on his hand.

Delay in check: weakness
Instantaneous check: weakness
Instantaneous call: strength
Quick bet: strength

The first tell is all about understanding of the psychology of this game, but other three are based on auto play buttons. Clicking on the automatic check button when you have a weak hand will convey your weakness.

Too much talking: There are many online poker players who talk a lot because according to them this will not serve as tell. They fail to realize that besides the use of the auto-play button, talking can be the biggest online poker ‘tell’. So never waste time in talking to your opponents.

Never make enemies in poker: Try to avoid making enemies in this game because it is not a good idea. Avoid saying anything to your opponents when you win a pot, instead just drag the chips in a gracious manner. Don’t whine when you lose a game because making enemies will mean-they will gun for you.

To show cards: This is another mistake made by players in online poker. It is not a good thing to show your cards because according to some players this puts others on tilt and makes them less confident. So it is better to avoid hurting your opponents because it can hurt and place you out of a good game.

How Poker Forums Can help You?

Poker is a game that is loved by many across the world, and these people are always looking forward to come in contact with each other. As the Internet is a favorite medium for like-minded people to come together and though they maybe separated by great geographical distances, poker finds a huge number of fans on the Internet. There are various forums on every possible topic on the Internet, and poker being widely followed and loved; there are many forums over the Internet exclusively dedicated to poker. Such forums can be found on many web sites on the Internet that are dedicated to the game.

Poker forums attract everyone who is into poker, whether the person is a pro or a novice. This is what makes such forums a great place to be for any poker player. Poker players are able to find almost all the information related to the game, its types, as well as various tournaments that are usually held all year round. In fact, certain forums are solely for announcing various tournaments, and giving details like the game to be played, the qualifying criteria, the date, place, the prize etc.

There are also various poker forums, which are game type specific. For example, you will be able to find various forums dedicated to Texas Hold’em only. Just try searching on any famous search engine, and you will be amazed at the results. Various poker games have such a huge following that various web sites dedicated to the games receive thousands of hits every day. The profits for most of such websites come mostly through targeted advertisements. For some such website owners, this can actually mean pretty neat profits, but most of these sites are operated out of the love for the game.

It certainly makes lot of sense for poker players to join one or more such forums. A good poker forum can invariably help a player improve upon his/her game, as well as access to various news, events and happenings of the game. A good forum will have high quality content, and will usually be updated regularly. Apart from staying updated and improving on the game, poker forums help a lot in catching up with various tips and tricks of the game. This is because most of the poker forums have many old pros, and veterans as their members, and they can teach you certain things that no book in the world possibly can.

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History of Poker

There are a lot of different opinions as far as the origin or poker is concerned. However, there is no evidence or data about the origin of this game. But the name and present form of poker is more likely to be derived from elements of various games. Based on the consensus, poker due to its basic principles is definitely a very old game.

Birthplace of poker: When it comes to the possible poker birthplace, there are several suggestions, just like the variations in the game itself. Based on a very popular belief, poker is a game invented by Chinese in the 900 AD. There are possibilities of this belief being derived from Chinese dominoes. According to other people, the Persian game “as nas” is the origin of poker. It is a Persian game involving 5 players and a special deck of 25 cards with 5 suits. However, this is a game that can be recorded back to 19th century.

Based on another theory related to the birth of poker, French “poque” can also be taken into consideration. Around 1480, the French settled in New Orleans and used to play “poque” which was basically a game that involved cards, betting and bluffing. This game played by the French can be considered to be the first to include a deck that consisted of diamonds, spades, hearts and clubs. Many are of the belief that the origin of modern cards can be found in the Indian card game of Ganjifa. Due to various claims, it is not very easy to narrow down on the right birthplace of poker.

Poker and its earliest reference: in the year 1834, Jonathan H.Green made the earliest written poker reference. In this poker reference, certain rules were mentioned by him for the “cheating game” that used to be played on the riverboats of Mississippi. According to him, this was a game to be played with 20 cards and by using kings, aces, jacks, tens and queens. Either two or four players play this game and each player is dealt five cards. By the time it was written by Jonathan, this had become a popular cheating game. According to the people who had taken to Three-Card Monte, the 20 card poker game seemed to be more legitimate. There is a lot of debate about the origin of the word ‘poker’ as well. According to game historians and dictionaries, this came from 18th century French game “poque”. However, other references point to pochspiel, a German game. There are many websites where you can be a part of a poker forum to know more about this game.